
FAOR's certified and guaranteed Perfection

In order to obtain a unique quality finding for jewelry, FAOR has always been working on the achievement of International Certifications to ensure the perfection of business processes and materials used. All the activities, processes and raw materials have undergone a rigorous quality check in order to determine the maximum customer satisfaction.



- UNI EN 1811:2011certificate attests  the total absence of Nickel in all our  silver 925 alloys.
- Reach Regulation 1907/2006 guarantees the absence of Cadmium and Lead in all FAOR’s products.
- FAOR is certified under European Cupellationrules for Gold (UNI EN 31426: 1997) and Silver(UNI EN 3751: 1956).



- FAOR is qualified as aProfessional Gold Operator and it is subject to checking by Bank of Italy.
- S.A.G.O.R., a company specializing in precious metals, guarantees the purity declared and the conformity of the materials.
- FAOR's suppliers are certified for FDA (silicone) and UNI EN 10270 (non-precious metals).
- Metal Buying with responsibility
We are compliant with Dodd Frank section #1502. We only receive precious metal from subjects that are on the LBMA good delivery list and that can certify that thegold  gold supplied is from conflict free areas.

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